We believe strongly in preserving free speech and expression for our users as well as academic freedom for our instructors. We also want to make sure that all of our users and instructors feel safe and comfortable while using our platform and courses. As a student, you are responsible for all activity on the platform, courses, and communication channels. This includes the content that you post or otherwise create on our platform, such as reviews, questions, posts, messages, and any other content you share. We have drafted this policy to ensure that people understand and follow the rules when participating in our online community and otherwise using our platform and courses.

We may remove or edit inappropriate content or activity identified by or reported to us. We may separately suspend, disable, or terminate a user's access to all or part of the platform, courses, communication channels, or other offered features.

In addition to any restrictions in the Terms of Services you are prohibited from using our platform, courses, and any other offered features (“Services”) to:

  • Post or provide any content or information that is inappropriate, offensive, racist, hateful, sexist, racially or ethnically objectionable, pornographic, false, misleading, incorrect, infringing, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, relating to or encouraging money laundering or gambling, or otherwise unlawful in any manner;
  • Post content that contains illegal content or promotes illegal activities with the intent to commit such activities. Please keep in mind that users who are as young as 13 use our Services, and we do not allow content that is inappropriate for these younger users.
  • Send content that contains credible threats or organizes acts of real-world violence. We don’t allow content that creates a genuine risk of physical injury or property damage, credibly threatens people or public safety, or organizes or encourages harm.
  • Harass others. We encourage commentary about people and matters of public interest, but abusive or otherwise inappropriate content directed at private individuals is not allowed.
  • Violate intellectual property, privacy, or other rights. Do not share content that you do not have the right to share, claim content that you did not create as your own, or otherwise infringe or misappropriate someone else’s intellectual property or other rights. Always attribute materials used or quoted by you to the original copyright owner.
  • Spam others. Do not share irrelevant, unsolicited, unauthorized, or inappropriate advertising, promotional material, junk mail, or any other forms of solicitation content (commercial or otherwise). 


You also aren't allowed to:

  • Cheat, plagiarize, or act in any form of academic dishonesty.
  • Do anything that violates local, state, national, or international law or breaches any of your contractual obligations or fiduciary duties.
  • Share your password, let anyone besides yourself access your account, or do anything that might put your account at risk.
  • Attempt to access any other user's account.
  • Reproduce, transfer, sell, resell, or otherwise misuse any content from our Services, unless specifically authorized to do so.
  • Frame or embed the Services (such as to embed a free version of a course) or otherwise circumvent the Services;
  • Access, tamper with, or use non-public areas of our systems, unless specifically authorized to do so.
  • Break or circumvent our authentication or security measures or otherwise test the vulnerability of our systems or networks, unless specifically authorized to do so.
  • Try to reverse engineer any portion of our Services.
  • Try to interfere with any user, host, or network, for example by sending a virus, overloading, spamming, or mail-bombing.
  • Engage in any activity that would require us to obtain licenses from or pay royalties to any third party, including the need to pay royalties for the public performance of a musical work or sound recording;
  • Use our Services to distribute malware.
  • Use our Services for anything other than for completing online courses or for pedagogical purposes.
  • Impersonate or misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity.
  • Abuse Avocademy’s resources, including support services. 
  • Encourage or help anyone do any of the things on this list.


If you’re accessing our platform, courses, or other offered features as a student located in India, then these terms also include, and you agree to comply with, the provisions of Rule 3(2) of the Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules, 2011.  

If anything, you see or experience ever seems like a violation, or you are unsure about a policy, just let us know by emailing [email protected]. Someone on our team will review every report, answer your questions, and determine whether there has been a violation of our policies.


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