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The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best UX Design Bootcamp in 2024

best ux bootcamps bootcamp scholarships career change Apr 10, 2024
two women sitting at a table looking at a laptop, text that says "the ultimate guide to choosing the best ux design bootcamp in 2024 - top bootcamps of 2024

Have you ever wondered who is behind all of the app’s and websites we use in our daily lives? UX design is an exciting and rewarding career path that allows you to reach thousands of people through the largest platform used - the internet. 

In this article, we will be covering UX bootcamps and how they benefit you in finding a career in the digital world. By the end of this article you will feel empowered to choose the correct bootcamp that fits your needs.

Choosing the right bootcamp can feel overwhelming - this is where we come in! We will be  diving deep into the world of UX design bootcamps. We'll compare, contrast, and ultimately make this search easier on you. 

Whether you're just curious about UX design or you're ready to get started on this career path - we are here to help you every step of the way. 


Understanding UX Design Bootcamps


What is a UX Design Bootcamp?

 A UX Design Bootcamp is like a fast-track look into the world of UX design. Unlike traditional education paths that take years, bootcamps are designed to equip you with essential skills in just a few months. They're intense, focused, and all about getting you ready for the real world. Instead of sitting through long lectures, you will be getting hands-on experience from the very first day.


Benefits of Attending a UX Design Bootcamp

 Here are just some of the benefits you get from joining a bootcamp:

  • Hands-on Learning: You'll dive into real projects that challenge you to apply what you learn in real-time.
  • Community: Imagine being surrounded by folks as passionate about UX as you are. It's instant camaraderie and support.
  • Networking Opportunities: You'll meet industry pros, instructors, and fellow students who can help open doors for you in your career.
  • Career Support: Many bootcamps help with job placement, making that leap from student to professional a bit less daunting. They use tools like Huntr to keep track of your job search and ensure you succeed. 


What to Expect from a UX Design Bootcamp

Embarking on a UX Design Bootcamp journey is thrilling, but what should you actually expect? Here's the lowdown:

  • Coursework: It's going to be a mix of theory and lots of practice. Expect to learn about user research, wireframing, prototyping, and more.
  • Time Commitment: These bootcamps are called "intensive" for a reason. You'll be spending anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on the program, fully immersed in learning.
  • Projects: You won't just be learning in a vacuum. You'll work on projects that simulate real-world UX challenges, building a portfolio that showcases your skills.

So, there you have it! A UX Design Bootcamp is your express ticket into the world of UX design. Ready to jump on board?


How to Choose the Right UX Design Bootcamp

Picking the right UX Design Bootcamp can feel a bit challenging. With so many options available for you - it can feel overwhelming and scary. Here’s how you can narrow down your choices to find your perfect match:


Factors to Consider

 Before you dive in, let's chat about the green flags that make up a great bootcamp choice:

  • Curriculum: Is it comprehensive and up-to-date with the latest UX trends and tools? You want a curriculum that's as current as your morning social media feed.
  • Instructors' Expertise: Are the instructors seasoned pros who've been in the UX trenches? Their experience can be as valuable as the lessons themselves.
  • Cost: Bootcamps are an investment. Weigh the cost against the potential return like a new job or a salary bump.
  • Duration: Got time? Make sure the bootcamp fits into your life, whether it’s a few weeks sprint or a marathon of several months.
  • Job Placement Rates: This is your endgame. A high job placement rate can mean a smoother transition from student to working professional.


Online vs. In-person Bootcamps

 Choosing between online and in-person can change your learning experience. Here’s the scoop:


Online Bootcamps:

  • Pros: Learn from anywhere, usually with more flexible scheduling.
  • Cons: Requires a lot of self-discipline and can lack the immediacy of face-to-face interaction.


In-person Bootcamps:

  • Pros: Immersive environment with direct access to instructors and peers.
  • Cons: Less flexibility, and you have to be in a specific location.


Assessing Your Goals and Needs

Remember, this is about you. Reflect on what you’re looking to achieve:


🌱 Are you gunning for a complete career change, or aiming to level up your existing skills?

🌱 Consider the kind of learning environment where you thrive.

🌱 Think about your life logistics – can you commit full-time, or do you need something that fits around your current job?


How to find UX Design Bootcamp Reviews From Students

Throughout this article, we've done our best to present an unbiased, factual summary of what the best UX design bootcamps are—and what they do or do not offer to students.

However, it can also be helpful to look through student reviews to get a more nuanced look into the program experience.

Two of the best places to check are:


Top Bootcamps of 2024

In this section we will provide you with the top 5 bootcamps that are currently welcoming new students in 2024:


  1. Avocademy - Avocademy’s UX/UI design program offers unlimited mentorship and is backed by a job guarantee. The program assists students in learning UX/UI Deisgn, creating a portfolio with real world projects to showcase to prospective employers. 95% of students obtained jobs in UX/UI Design roles within an average of four months of job searching, upon completion of the Career Jumpstart Program.
  • Cost: $2997 - $7,497
  • Duration: 8 - 32 weeks
  • Format: Online 
  • Pros:
    • Flexible schedule
    • Offers corporate training 
    • Job Guarantee
    • Financing options 
    • Scholarship opportunities 
    • Industry networking
  • Cons: 
    • Does not Accept GI Bill 

 2.  Flatiron

  • Cost - $16,900
  • Duration - 15 - 40 weeks 
  • Format: Online & In Person
  • Pros: 
    • Job assistance
    • Offers corporate training 
    • Flexible schedule
  • Cons:
    • Does not offer job guarantee
    • Does not accept GI Bill 

 3. General Assembly

  • Cost: $16,450
  • Duration: 12 weeks 
  • Format: Online & In Person 
  • Pros: 
    • Flexible schedule
    • Accepts GI Bill 
  • Cons:
    • Does not offer mentorship 
    • Does not have a job guarantee

4.  Ironhack

  • Cost: $12,500
  • Duration: 9-24 weeks
  • Format: Online & In Person
  • Pros: 
    • Financing options
    • Lending partnerships
  • Cons: 
    • Does not have scholarship opportunities 
    • Does not have a job guarantee 
    • Does not accept GI Bill 

 5.  Springboard

  • Cost: $11,900 - 19,648
  • Duration: 9 months 
  • Format: Online
  • Pros: 
    • Financing options 
    • Scholarship opportunities 
    • Job guarantee 
  • Cons: 
    • Does not accept GI Bill 

Financing Your UX Design Education

In this section, we explore various avenues to finance your UX design education, understanding that pursuing such education often comes with financial implications. It delves into scholarships, loans, and income-share agreements, providing insights to help aspiring designers make informed decisions. 


Overview of Financing Options

We want to make sure we provide as much insight on your financing options. We have listed below various financing avenues, including scholarships, loans, and income-share agreements, empowering you to choose the best option for you! 


  • Scholarships: Investigate available scholarships tailored for UX design education, easing the financial burden for deserving candidates.
  • Loans: Understand the nuances of educational loans, including interest rates, repayment terms, and potential long-term impacts on personal finances.
  • Income-share agreements: Explore the innovative concept of income-share agreements, where payment is linked to post-education income, offering an alternative financing model.


Tips for Budgeting and Planning

We want you all to be informed and prepared with the financial side of bootcamps. In this subsection we want to equip you with practical tips to prepare you for the financial commitments associated with attending a UX design bootcamp. We want to ensure you approach your education with financial preparedness and confidence.

  • Assess Financial Situation: Start by evaluating your current financial standing, including income, expenses, and existing savings. Understanding your financial baseline is crucial for creating a realistic budget.
  • Set Realistic Budget: Develop a detailed budget that accounts for all anticipated expenses during your bootcamp, including tuition fees, living costs, transportation, and materials. Be thorough and ensure your budget aligns with your financial capabilities.
  • Explore Financial Aid Options: Research potential sources of financial aid, such as scholarships, grants, and bursaries. Explore both merit-based and need-based opportunities to supplement your finances and reduce the overall cost of your education. Check the sections above for a detailed breakdown on different types of bootcamps that are providing scholarships and grants. 


Maximizing Your Bootcamp Experience

This section is all about giving you a detailed rundown on how to max out your bootcamp experience, so you can feel empowered and ready to take on the industry once you graduate from your bootcamp! 


Preparing for a Bootcamp

We want to make sure you are fully prepared for your upcoming bootcamp experience. By acquiring essential skills, familiarizing yourself with relevant reading materials, and utilizing accessible online resources, you can ensure you will enter your bootcamp journey fully equipped and ready to excel. Here are just 3 easy steps we recommend you take:  

  • Acquire Essential Skills: Identify key skills essential for success in a UX design bootcamp, such as proficiency in design software, understanding of design principles, and familiarity with UX methodologies. Invest time in honing these skills before the bootcamp begins to build a strong foundation for learning.
  • Recommended Reading Materials: Explore recommended reading materials tailored to UX design beginners, covering topics such as user experience theory, design thinking, and case studies. These resources provide valuable insights and perspectives that can enhance your understanding of UX design principles and practices.
  • Utilize Online Resources: Take advantage of accessible online resources, including tutorials, courses, and forums, to supplement your learning and preparation for the bootcamp. Platforms like YouTube offer a wealth of educational content tailored to aspiring UX designers, allowing you to expand your knowledge and skills at your own pace.


Making the Most Out of Your Bootcamp

Throughout your bootcamp experience it is important to emphasize the different resources you will have throughout. You will have the opportunity to network and connect with many different individuals, tips on how to stay engaged and participate in different activities, and lastly your portfolio is everything! Here is a breakdown on the importance of these best practices: 

  • Active Engagement: Encourage active participation in bootcamp activities, workshops, and projects. Engaging fully with the curriculum and collaborating with peers fosters a deeper understanding of UX principles and methodologies, enhancing overall learning outcomes.
  • Strategic Networking: Highlight the significance of networking within the bootcamp environment. Encourage readers to connect with instructors, industry professionals, and fellow students to expand their professional circle, gain insights, and access potential job opportunities in the field of UX design.
  • Portfolio Development: Stress the importance of developing a comprehensive and compelling portfolio throughout the bootcamp. Encourage readers to showcase their skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities through a diverse range of projects, demonstrating their readiness for the job market and attracting potential employers.


The Future of UX Design Careers

We delve into what lies ahead for aspiring UX designers, recognizing the dynamic nature of our profession. It's not just about landing that first job post-bootcamp; it's about embracing a journey of continuous growth and learning. This section provides invaluable insights into the diverse array of career paths available after completing a bootcamp, empowering you to explore opportunities across various industries and job roles.


Career Opportunities Post-Bootcamp

Remember, the UX design field is dynamic and ever-evolving, offering a wide range of career paths and opportunities for growth. While you don't need to recertify every year, it's essential to stay updated on design trends and advancements by taking online courses, attending workshops, and staying connected with mentors and peers. Your success in the UX design industry will be driven by your curiosity, willingness to learn, and commitment to staying updated on emerging trends and best practices.


Continuing Education and Growth

Continued education in UX design involves a multifaceted approach aimed at staying updated with emerging trends, mastering new tools and techniques, and deepening expertise in specialized areas. Here's what continued education looks like in UX design:

  • Advanced Courses and Certifications: Enroll in advanced UX design courses and certification programs to deepen knowledge and expertise in specific areas such as user research, interaction design, or information architecture. These courses often provide in-depth insights and hands-on experience to refine skills and stay ahead in the field. You can check out Design Masterclass - a great resource to continue your UX education. 
  • Specialized Workshops and Seminars: Attend workshops, seminars, and conferences focused on specialized topics within UX design. These events offer opportunities to learn from industry experts, gain insights into cutting-edge technologies and methodologies, and network with peers to exchange ideas and best practices.
  • Online Learning Platforms: Utilize online learning platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning to access a wide range of UX design courses, tutorials, and resources. These platforms offer flexibility in learning, allowing individuals to study at their own pace and customize their learning journey based on specific interests and goals.
  • Professional Development Programs: Participate in professional development programs offered by industry organizations, design agencies, or educational institutions. These programs often include mentorship opportunities, collaborative projects, and career coaching to support career advancement and skill development in UX design.
  • Community Involvement: Engage with the UX design community through participation in meetups, online forums, and networking events. Joining professional associations such as the Interaction Design Association (IxDA) or User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA) provides access to resources, workshops, and networking opportunities to stay connected and informed about industry trends and developments.
  • Hands-on Projects and Case Studies: Undertake hands-on projects and case studies to apply theoretical knowledge into practical scenarios. Building a diverse portfolio of projects not only demonstrates skills and expertise but also serves as a continuous learning opportunity to experiment with new ideas, methodologies, and design solutions.


Key Takeaways: 

  • Introduction to UX Design Career: Understand the significance of UX design in shaping digital experiences and its potential as a rewarding career path.
  • Benefits of UX Design Bootcamps: Recognize the advantages of enrolling in a UX design bootcamp, including hands-on learning, community support, networking opportunities, and career assistance.
  • Choosing the Right Bootcamp: Consider important factors such as curriculum, instructor expertise, cost, duration, and job placement rates when selecting a bootcamp that aligns with your goals and preferences.
  • Online vs. In-person Bootcamps: Evaluate the pros and cons of online and in-person bootcamps to determine the learning environment that suits your needs.
  • Financial Planning: Explore various avenues to finance your UX design education, including scholarships, loans, and income-share agreements, and learn practical tips for budgeting and financial preparedness.
  • Maximizing Bootcamp Experience: Utilize strategies such as acquiring essential skills, accessing online resources, active engagement, strategic networking, and portfolio development to extract maximum value from your bootcamp experience.
  • Future of UX Design Careers: Embrace a journey of continuous learning and growth in the dynamic field of UX design, with opportunities for advanced courses, specialized workshops, online learning platforms, professional development programs, community involvement, and hands-on projects to stay updated and advance in your career.


Throughout this article, we've explored the transformative power of UX design bootcamps in propelling aspiring designers into the dynamic world of user-centered design.

By now, you should feel empowered to make informed decisions about selecting the right bootcamp that aligns with your goals and aspirations. Whether you're seeking hands-on learning, a supportive community, or career advancement opportunities, there's a bootcamp out there tailored to your needs.

As you navigate the exciting landscape of UX design, always keep in mind that your success is not just defined by where you start, but by the dedication and passion you bring to your craft every step of the way. So, are you ready to embark on your UX design adventure? Let's dive in and create impactful digital experiences together!


If you would like to  get more information and find out if this is the right path for you - click this link to speak with one of our career advisors! 


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