Avocademy Blog

education 5 Reasons Why UX Design is Important When Implementing an LMS

As technology advances, how we learn and receive information continues to evolve. With e-learning platforms on the rise it's important they provide...

Dec 26, 2022
career change Different Roles in UX and UI Design

The UX and UI design field has fully blossomed over the last few years and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. As the UX and UI design...

Dec 22, 2022
education Why Do Teachers Make Great UX Designers?

Teaching is a rewarding and impactful profession. However, after spending time in the classroom, some decide to expand their career or make a...

Dec 21, 2022
tools What is Merge by UXPin?

Want to build prototypes that are 100% consistent with the final product? UXPin is a platform that gives designers the same components that...

Dec 19, 2022
education What is Scrum and What is a Scrum Master?

Working in the UX design field, designers often have to familiarize themselves with different technical terminology like Scrum or Scrum Master. It...

Dec 05, 2022
career change ux designer Q&A with Avocademy Alumna: Morgan Olmos

 Here at the Guac Blog we wanted to take a moment to spotlight another Avocademy graduate, Morgan Olmos, who shares her journey to becoming a...

Dec 03, 2022
how to tips How to Work with a Tough Boss as a UX Designer?

Have you ever had to work with a tough boss and weren’t sure how to manage it? If so, you are not alone and have come to the right place for...

Dec 02, 2022
tools Figma vs Adobe XD: Which UX Designer Tool is the Best?

Want to start practicing and developing your UX Design skills? You need a UX/UI tool to get started. UX/UI tools are the software and platforms...

Nov 30, 2022
Cybersecurity Bootcamps VS. UX/UI Design Bootcamps

So you want to go into Cybersecurity. Or maybe you’re asking yourself right now “what is cybersecurity?”. When you click on a...

Oct 20, 2022
q&a Q&A with Avocademy Alumna: CJ Marsada

Our graduates have done it again! For this spotlight, we had Avocademy graduate CJ Marsada share her journey to become a Product Designer.

CJ was...

Oct 11, 2022
q&a Q&A with Avocademy Alumna: Avrielle Ali

For this spotlight, we had Avocademy graduate Avrielle Ali chat with us. Before her UX design journey, Avrielle was working for herself, traveling...

Oct 10, 2022
salary Full Stack Developer salary VS. UX/UI Designer Salary (Entry-Level)

In the world of software engineering, Full Stack Developers are the jack of all trades. They handle aspects of both front-end and back-end...

Oct 09, 2022

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