Avocademy Blog

Can You Learn UX Design on Your Own?

If you’re wondering if UX design can be learned through self-guided learning, you’ve come to the right place. The internet provides new...

Jan 06, 2022
remote jobs Can You Do UX Design Remotely?

The start of the decade has been tough for everyone, but a silver lining has been the move to remote work in many industries. Remote jobs have ...

Dec 27, 2021
salary A Typical User Experience Designer Salary in the United States

User experience designers enjoy impressive remuneration. In the United States, the average base salary for UX designers is $74,500, but many UX/UI...

Dec 23, 2021
salary UI/UX Designer Salaries by Role

UX/UI designers have impressive earning potential. According to PayScale, UX designers make about $74,800 a year. Even entry-level UX designers can...

Dec 20, 2021
salary How Much Do UX Designers Make?

User experience design is an intriguing career. UX/UI professionals get to flex their creative muscles and solve problems that help real people,...

Dec 15, 2021
salary What Is the Average UX Designer Salary?

Have you considered becoming a UX Designer? You are not alone. Over the last decade or so, the demand for UX/UI professionals in the tech world has...

Dec 12, 2021
skills Does UX Design Require Coding?

With the constant growth and demand for apps, games, and websites, it has become a modern-day cliche to start learning how to code in order to get...

Dec 07, 2021
q&a Q&A With Avocademy Alumni: Kelsey Horowitz

For this installment of The Guac, we spoke with one of our incredible Avocademy graduates to get the scoop about life as a new UX designer. 


Dec 02, 2021
skills What is Agile for UX Designers?

If you have worked in the tech industry, you may be familiar with Agile. Agile is a software development approach that took root in the early 2000s...

Nov 21, 2021
career change UX/UI Careers Series: UX Research

Did you know that the field of user experience (UX) is not limited to UX design roles? UX/UI work spans many different unique career paths,...

Nov 17, 2021
remote jobs Can UX Designers Work From Home?

We are floating in a sudden riptide of change in the job market. Just two years ago the image of an office worker doing their job from their...

Nov 15, 2021
career change Will a UX Bootcamp Get Me a Job?

If you are pursuing a UX design career, you have probably researched many UX/UI bootcamps. From General Assembly to Designlab to Avocademy,...

Nov 10, 2021

Is UX/UI for me?
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